Friday, March 27, 2009

Tilling and Fencing

Whoo hoo!!!.... We've made some headway on tilling and fencing the garden plot. Early next week I'll be expecting a call from the Physical Plant. We can meet with one of the grounds people out at the plot and discuss possible fencing/tilling options. Yay!!!


  1. Excellent!! I hope I'll be working that day- I might be able to hitch a ride!

  2. That would have been sweet! But it looks like we'll be hand tilling this thing..wahoo! We'll send out a message soon regarding tilling lessons and groundbreaking early next week!

  3. Hello All. We moved out part of my bucket garden to the side of the organic garden. We planted some lettuce, tomatoes, and jalapenos. I would call the bucket garden "natural" and not organic. I use 10/10/10 as part of the fert for the soil I make. In soil also: Bone Ash, Mushroom compost, and some Bat Droppings. Gonna get some Epsom Salt on the tomatoes after the rain tonight. Also, have some seedlings started for a variety of summer lettuces. These are natural non genetically modified seeds; so, they could be used in the organic garden if you wanted them. Also, the W.G. and Ella Carter Foundation will be contributing some plants to our bucket garden and if ya'll want you could get some plants in the organic garden as well. Happy Gardening!

    David and Emily
